A Widower’s Prayer by Fr. Mario Ladra

My friend and classmate Edwin Rosales(OLGMS 1975) sent me this beautiful prayer by Fr. Mario Ladra tonight. I share it because it speaks so eloquently of my own painful journey and fears for the future. It also gives me the certainty and comfort that I seek and want so much to believe. It’s just a bit funny that this should come from someone who is neither a widower nor is married. I guess it’s God working through Fr. Mario.

If I may add a little prayer of my own, “Lord please always take care of our Mariel. Please give her the love and comfort she greatly deserved. Let her know that we miss and love her so much. Please tell her that one day in Your time , we shall all be together again to share Your love forever in our heavenly home. Amen.”

(My warm regards again to Edwin, Eva and children. Thanks for being there.)

(Fr. Mario Ladra’s (OLGMS 1971) Straight from the Heart, A Prayer Companion)

Heavenly Father, you give comfort to those who believe in You.
Listen to me, as I pray for my needs.
Be my joy in my grief and victory in my failure.

As I embrace your will for this altered state of life,
console me with hope and certainty,
that the parting of my loved one (Mariel) is only apparent,
that she is still with me, caring for me, helping me in you, Lord,
and lovingly awaits for that day
when we will be reunited again in our heavenly home.

Keep reminding me that my life on earth
should not remain static and meaningless.
But help me to move on in your truth and love.

Help me in times of uncertainties and difficulties
especially in bringing up the child (Sam) You have entrusted to us.
May I bring her closer to You, despite my being alone
because I believe in my heart that You are there as my Divine Partner.

And when the essential problems of life threaten me to give up,
Help me to strongly believe and trust in your unceasing love.
Remain in me always and inspire me to dedicate my whole life
to your service and glory.


She is Gone (A poem by David Harkins)

Bong and Mariel as the Flintstones

My friend, Gil Gonzales shared with me this poem by David Harkins. It’s so honest and true. God willing it will reach out to others too who have “lost” someone special. It gives hope to those of us who grieve that there is some way out of the darkness. That the beautiful memories and love we shared with our “lost loved ones” will live on forever.

Mommy, I know you’re smiling tonight. I love you.

“She is Gone” (Short poem by David Harkins of Silloth, Cumbria in the United Kingdom)

You can shed tears that she is gone
Or you can smile because she has lived

You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left

Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her
Or you can be full of love that you shared

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday

You can remember her only that she is gone
Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on

You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn you back
Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

(Read more about why Mariel will forever be in our hearts  here)

“Life After Birth” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Mariel’s passing had made me think more and more about life, and life-after- life. While I believe that Mariel is now in a really special place with the Lord, in moments of weakness, the fragile human part of me still craves for some certainty. Certainty that Mariel is now free from any more fear, any more pain ( as I’ll do anything to “protect” her). That she is finally getting her “reward”, for having given so much of herself to others, especially to me and our daughter, Sam. That one day I will see her again, to embrace and to hold, and share her love through eternity.

I came across this short video piece from Dr. Wayne Dyer which talks about “Life after Birth” or the triumph of spirit over life. I hope it speaks to you too like it did to me, that life-after-life indeed is just a transition to something so wonderful and great. And so beyond any kind of happiness we can ever possibly imagine because of our “limited” point of view.

Coming Back by Sally Kennedy

I just received an email from my friend Mana ( Happy Birthday, Mana, its her birthday by the way). I found the article by Sally Kennedy thats been helpful and also very appropriate for Mariel’s Garden. Here goes:

By Sally I Kennedy

Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him,
rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were
taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7
Coming Back
The plant that “would grow anywhere” looked dead as a doornail. The
flowers behind it weren’t looking so good either. Limp and fading,
they appeared to be on their last leg, too. Ironically, the
surrounding weeds were thriving, growing great.
Fading, limp, wilting, or a goner. Have you ever felt this way, in
your spirit, body, or emotions? I’ve been there, and I have learned
the truth of the principle of being rooted in Christ.
This plant was sprayed with an insecticide, but the large dose burned
it. For us, circumstances, relationships, job situations, can batter,
or burn, us pretty good sometimes. That’s life.
On the surface, what is visible, is what I call “in the night”. Things
seem dim, cloudy, even dark. But God is not a God of confusion. No
matter what is going on, He is still sovereign, still watching over
you, and involved in every facet of your life, working all things out
for your good.

On either side of this burned-out plant are two sturdy, older bushes,
and the roots of the plant have grown deep down into the soil below.
This plant will come back. It will have fuzzy green leaves again. It
will have bold sunny yellow flowers.
Stay rooted and grounded in Christ. In Ephesians 3, Paul says, “May
your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.”

Persevere, no matter what. Hold on to the hem of Jesus’ robe, to His
mighty and powerful name. We will not only be survivors, but we will
That is good news.”

Thanks again Mana